Legal services provided by our firm


Corporate law

Mergers of companies
Legal audits of companies
Incorporation of capital and partnership companies
Preparation of incorporation documents
Implementation of changes in commercial companies
Preparation of general meetings of companies
Representing shareholders and partners at general meetings
Changes in shareholdings in commercial companies
Increase and decrease of share capital of commercial companies
Representation before the courts in commercial register matters.


Copyright law

Assessment of contracts in the field of copyright
Representation before the courts in copyright disputes
Computer law issues


Real Estate law

Construction contracts
Preparation and conclusion of purchase, pledge, gift agreements
and other real estate contracts
Proposals for registration of rights in the Land Registry
Representation before cadastral authorities
Preparation and conclusion of contracts for the lease and sublease of residential premises
and non-residential premises
Security institutes in relation to real estate.


Capital Markets Law

Representation of securities traders in disputes
before the courts and the Securities Commission
Issuance of securities
Securities transfer agreements
Execution of public securities repurchase offers
Listing of securities on public markets


Commercial Law

Unfair competition law
Preparation and execution of contractual documents,
Lease, purchase, mandate, works, commission contracts,
commercial agency, silent partnership, etc.
Banking and credit law
Securities law in daily practice
Cheque law, including representation in court
Debt recovery, security institutes
Bankruptcy law.


Immigration Law

Consultations for foreign nationals
Securing long-term and permanent residence permits
Issues related to international agreements.




























Konviktská 24

110 00  Prague 1

Czech Republic


phone number:

(+420) 224 22 80 09


phone & fax number:

(+420) 224 23 73 63


data box:







CZ 27639215


